Desktop and Mobile Sync

For synchronising files with your desktop computer, we recommend using the Nextcloud Sync Client for Windows, macOS and Linux.

The Nextcloud Desktop Sync Client enables you to connect to your Nextcloud Server. You can create folders in your home directory, and keep the contents of those folders synced with your Nextcloud server. Simply copy a file into the directory and the Nextcloud desktop client does the rest. Make a change to the files on one computer, it will flow across the others using these desktop sync clients. You will always have your latest files with you wherever you are.

Its usage is documented separately in the Nextcloud Desktop Client Manual.

Once dowloaded, you will need to enter the Server Address:

Installation Wizard

The installation wizard takes you step-by-step through configuration options and account setup. First you need to enter the URL of your Nextcloud server.

form for entering Nextcloud server URL

Enter your Nextcloud login on the next screen.

form for entering your Nextcloud login

On the Local Folder Option screen you may sync all of your files on the Nextcloud server, or select individual folders. The default local sync folder is Nextcloud, in your home directory. You may change this as well.

Select which remote folders to sync, and which local folder to store them in.

When you have completed selecting your sync folders, click the Connect button at the bottom right. The client will attempt to connect to your Nextcloud server, and when it is successful you’ll see two buttons: one to connect to your Nextcloud Web GUI, and one to open your local folder. It will also start synchronizing your files.

A successful server connection, showing a button to connect to your Web GUI, and one to open your local Nextcloud folder

Click the Finish button, and you’re all done.

  • Desktop Sync, Mobile Sync, ALR Network Cloud, Sync
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